b'US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS)IL Corn Growers Association (ICGA)The USFWS Partners for Wildlife (PFW) Program worksICGA has reached out to the farmer members on their board for private landowners who wish to voluntarily conserveof directors with the specific request to implement monarch wildlife habitat. It provides technical and financial assistance,habitat on their own farms. This promotes education among including writing management plans and instructions onag industry leaders, as well as inside the organization. Don how to restore or enhance property for wildlife. Historically,Duvall, Illinois Corn Marketing Board Chairman, participated the majority of PFW work has been done with farmersin this request, planting dozens of milkweed on his farm in that have identified areas of their farm that do not earn acooperation with the BASF Living Acres project. ICGA has financial profit. When a Farm Bill program is not available,installed a Monarch Waystation at their office and are co-the PFW Program has helped pay for seed mixes and otherinstalling a large pollinator plot on a neighboring property items that benefit pollinators, monarchs, and game specieswith Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association (IFCA), (see Figure 11). GROWMARK, Asmark, and BASF. PFW Program in Illinois has restored prairie or savanna habitats Association of Illinois Soil and Water2,000 1,779 acres Conservation Districts (AISWCD)Illinois 97 SWCDs have for the past several years been actively promoting a variety of BMPs aimed at the 1,500 conservation and improvement of pollinator habitat. That includes native seed sales, native plant plug sales, field 1,088 acres days, and prairie burn clinics. SWCDs also promote CRP 1,000 involvement and write CRP contracts for monarch and pollinator conservation. AISWCD looks for strategies to 500 track and compile county level activities for the purpose of monitoring and increasing coordination amongst county offices. AISWCD will encourage SWCDs to set goals in their 0 2001-2012 2012-2018 Annual Plans of Work to enroll increasing pollinator habitat Figure 11: PFW Program in Illinois acres each year. In 2018, the IDOA made the Illinois Monarch Project a priority. New for FY2019, Illinois SWCDs can now promote and plan for pollinator habitat with state cost-GROWMARK, Inc. share.GROWMARK partners with FS member cooperatives, 4-H clubs, Illinois AITC, and GROWMARK employees to installUniversity of Illinois Extension pollinator habitat across Illinois. The Endure PollinatorMaster Gardeners have established Monarch Waystation Seed Program began in 2015 with the goal of increasingcertified gardens across Illinois. Illinois is second in the habitat, encouraging pollinator population growth, andnation with 1,740 registered Monarch Waystations, second demonstrating the importance of pollinators to agriculture.only to Texas 1,890 (see Figure 12). Participants are given GreenYard Honey Bee FlowerMaster Naturalists also assist with natural area conservation Mix along with promotional signs. In 2018, 19 memberand stewardship throughout the state.cooperatives, 67 4-H clubs, 31 FFA chapters, and 20 AITC groups participated.Top 10 States/Provinces (#of Monarch Waystations)Illinois Pork Producers Association (IPPA) 2,000The IPPA has established its first pollinator pilot project in Knox County with local landowners Keith and Kevin1,750Erickson, University of Illinois Extension, GROWMARK, and1,500the ROWVA School District. The monarch habitat will be1,250located near a hog barn, and an ag instructor at ROWVA School District will have his students work with University of1,000Illinois Extension staff to plant and maintain the site. IPPA is750TEXAS ILLINOIS MICHIGAN CALIFORNIA OHIO VIRGINIA PENNSYLVANIA FLORIDA WISCONSIN MISSOURIfunding the project, and GROWMARK has agreed to donate the seeds. IPPA anticipates this will be a multi-year project500that will continue to grow. The goal is to develop several250other pollinator habitats across the state in the future, using the valuable information gathered from this pilot project.020 Figure 12: Monarch WaystationsAgricultures Successes in Sustaining Monarchs'